current location: Online reading network > English books > Walden(瓦尔登湖英文版)


The author:Henry David Thoreau

《Walden(瓦尔登湖英文版)》latest chapter:Chapter_20

status:连载中   Update time:2018年06月16日

Walden(瓦尔登湖英文版)E-book cover《Walden(瓦尔登湖英文版)》brief introduction:
Originally published in 1854, Walden, or Life in the Woods, is a vivid account of the time that Henry D. Thoreau lived alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond. It is one of the most influential and compelling books in American literature. This new paperback edition - introduced by noted American writer John Updike - celebrates the 150th anniversary of this classic work. Much of Walden's material is derived from Thoreau's journals and contains such engaging pieces as "Reading" and "The Pond in the Winter." Other famous sections involve Thoreau's visits with a Canadian woodcutter and with an Irish family, a trip to Concord, and a description of his bean field. This is the complete and authoritative text of Walden - as close to Thoreau's original intention as all available evidence allows. For the student and for the general reader, this is the ideal presentation of Thoreau's great document of social criticism and dissent.

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《Walden(瓦尔登湖英文版)》The authorHenry David ThoreauIntroduction:
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), American Transcendentalist Writer. In the spring of 1845, he built a wooden hut near the Walden Lake in Concord, where he lived on his own, and wrote the famous Walden.