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“The Evolution of Cognitive Dissonance Theory: A Personal Appraisal.” In&The Science of Social Influence, edited by A. Pratkanis. New York: Psychology Press, 2007.
Mistakes Were Made (but Not by&Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts&(with C. Tavris). Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2007.
“Dissonance, Hypocrisy, and the Self-Concept.” In&Cognitive Dissonance: Progress on a Pivotal Theory in Social Psychology, edited by E. Harmon-Jones and J. Mills, 101-126.&Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1999.
“The Power of Self-Persuasion.”&American Psychologist&54 (1999): 873-884.
“The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance: The Evolution and Vicissitudes of an Idea.” In&The Message of Social Psychology, edited by C. McGarty and S. A. Haslam. London: Blackwell, 1997.
“Inducing Hypocrisy as a Means of Encouraging Young Adults to Use Condoms” (with J. Stone, A. L. Crain, M. P. Winslow, and C. B. Fried).&Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin&20 (1994): 116-128.
“The Return of the Repressed: Dissonance Theory Makes a Comeback.”&Psychological Inquiry&3 (1992): 303-311.
“Taking a Closer Look: Reasserting the Role of the Self-Concept in Dissonance Theory” (with R. Thibodeau).&Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin&18 (1992): 591-602.
“Using Cognitive Dissonance to Encourage Water Conservation” (with C. A. Dickerson, R. Thibodeau, and D. Miller).&Journal of Applied Social Psychology&22 (1992): 841-854.
“How to Change Behavior.” In&How People Change: Inside and Outside Therapy, edited by R. Curtis and G. Stricker. New York: Plenum, 1991.
“Overcoming Denial and Increasing the Intention to Use Condoms Through the Induction of Hypocrisy” (with C. Fried and J. Stone).&American Journal of Public Health&81 (1991): 1636-1638.
“Persuasion Via Self-Justification: Large Commitments for Small Rewards.” In&Four Decades of Social Psychology, edited by L. Festinger. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.
“The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance: A Current Perspective.” In&Cognitive Theories in Social Psychology, edited by L. Berkowitz, 215-220. New York: Academic Press, 1978.
“A Two-Factor Theory of Dissonance Reduction: The Effect of Feeling Stupid or Feeling ‘Awful’ on Opinion Change” (with T. Chase, R. Helmreich, and R. Ruhnke).&International Journal of Communication Research&3 (1974): 340-352.
“Opinion Change in the Advocate as a Function of the Persuasability of His Audience: A Clarification of the Meaning of Dissonance” (with E. Nel and R. Helmreich).&Journal of Personality and Social Psychology&12 (1969): 117-124.
“The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance: A Current Perspective.” In&Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, edited by L. Berkowitz, 4:1-34. New York: Academic Press, 1969.
“Dishonest Behavior as a Function of Differential Levels of Induced Self-Esteem” (with D. R. Mettee).&Journal of Personality and Social Psychology&9 (1968): 121-127.
“Dissonance Theory: Progress and Problems.” In&Theories of Cognitive Consistency: A Sourcebook, edited by R. P. Abelson, E. Aronson, W. J. McGuire, T. M. Newcomb, M. J. Rosenberg, and P. H. Tannenbaum, 5-27. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1968.
“Dissonance Theory and the Formation of Values.” In&Contributions to General Psychology, edited by C. D. Speilberger, R. Fox, and B. Masterson, 366-369. New York: Ronald Press, 1968.
“The Psychology of Insufficient Justification: An Analysis of Some Conflicting Data.” In&Cognitive Consistency, edited by S. Feldman, 109-133. New York: Academic Press, 1966.
“Communicator Credibility and Communication Discrepancy as Determinants of Opinion Change” (with J. Turner and J. M. Carlsmith).&Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology&67 (1963): 31-36.
“Effect of the Severity of Threat on the Devaluation of Forbidden Behavior” (with J. M. Carlsmith).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&66 (1963): 584-588.
“The Effects of Expectancy on Volunteering for an Unpleasant Experience” (with J. M. Carlsmith and J. M. Darley).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&66 (1963): 220-224.
“Some Hedonic Consequences of the Confirmation and Disconfirmation of Expectancies” (with J. M. Carlsmith).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&66 (1963): 151-156.
“Performance Expectancy as a Determinant of Actual Performance” (with J. M. Carlsmith).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&65 (1962): 178-182.
“The Effect of Effort on the Attractiveness of Rewarded and Unrewarded Stimuli.”&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&63 (1961): 375-380.
“Arousal and Reduction of Dissonance in Social Contexts” (with L. Festinger). In&Group Dynamics, edited by D. Cartwright and Z. Zander, 125-136. 3rd ed. New York: Harper Row, 1960/1968.
“The Effect of Severity of Initiation on Liking for a Group” (with J. Mills).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&59 (1959): 177-181.
“Selectivity in Exposure to Information” (with J. Mills and H. Robinson).&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&59 (1959): 250-253.
See Also
Festinger, L., and J. M. Carlsmith. “Cognitive Consequences of Forced Compliance.”&Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology&58 (1959): 203-210.
Festinger, L.&A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.&Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson, 1957.

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